LOLS I am a doctor!

But, I am also a writer, a painter, a dancer, a traveller and a curious mind.

People enjoy categorising. It makes life a lot easier. A doctor must be ridiculously smart. They must be rich, pretentious, posh and snobbish. But most are everything but those descriptors. They are often creative, caring and inquisitive creatures, who have a life beyond the medicine that they are thought to live and breathe.

It actually is quite funny the amount of times I avoid telling people what I do because I am afraid that they will automatically assume that I think myself above them, that I even think myself elite. But hey, as Paul Hennessy once explained to Briget on 8 Simple Rules, when you assume, you make an ASS out of U and ME. (Oh, John Ritter I miss you!)

But, it is true, put two doctors in a room and they will talk about medicine. Not because they feel that it is the be all and end all of all things that orbit the sun (and themselves), but because it is so relevant to so many people, in fact everyone. Health is something that should be on everyone’s lips. Actually, it is, even people who have no idea what they are preaching about are letting nonsense tumble out of their mouths like profuse uncontrollable diahorrea.

*cough* Gluten is NOT bad for you. GM food does NOT do any harm to you. Just FYI  *cough*

I could go on about how hard it is to be a young doctor, but there is enough accurate reality TV (e.g. Scrubs, Grey’s Anatomy and House) that document our lives and better still, our love lives, that I actually don’t need to. I mean, Meridith’s life is basically my biography. [/endsarcasm]

So, Hi, I am bla-bla and I am a junior doctor  [and although I am a walking talking Indian stereotype (minus the accent), I bloody love it]

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